I establish the look and feel of multiple interfaces that are oriented toward your customer’s eye.
Bachelor of Design (Visual Communications), College of Arts and Sciences, University of Washington.
Currently, I am employed with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Chief Information Office as an Engagement Manager with the Business Liaison Branch. I have never worked with an IT department with the exception of a short temporary promotion as the Branch Chief of our (USFS) IT Customer Help Desk Group. What I do know about IT, excluding what I learned during my Master’s program in Information Systems Management, has been self-taught and I am fondly referred to as the “techy” one both at home and at work.
It is through tenacity and an unwillingness to give up trying to find the right answer that has led me to this point in life and education. I consider myself a perpetual learner and am always searching for better, more efficient, and effect ways to do whatever I am challenged with.
Today, David’s focus is on working alongside the bees, learning from the bees, and ensuring the environment around the hives are as natural as possible. David’s favorite plants around his property are Russian Sage, Black Eyed Susan, Echinacea, Bee Balm (Monarda), Blue Mist and many others. One day, David plans to retire and tend to bee colonies as a full-time hobby.